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How to install Laravel from scratch I m beginning

Asked by Khemchander Nagarwal On 05 Jul, 2020 12:57:36pm



I have xampp server inside my E:/xampp/ folder problem occurred inside path of system/advance environment settings path of both window occurred a fetal error its contains with internal and external not define in CMD command when I install composer 

Re: How to install Laravel from scratch I m beginning

05 Jul, 2020 03:50:18pm
Answer by Anonymous


The Laravel framework has needed a system that is fulfilled by the Laravel Homestead virtual machine. this is why it is suggested that you should use Homestead as your local Laravel development environment.
Although, if you do not use it, then you must ensure that your server is able to work or not in the following requirements
PHP >= 7.2.5
BCMath PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
Fileinfo PHP extension
JSON PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
Laravel Installation
Step – 1.   Before Laravel installation download composer from and install it
Step – 2. Create laravel project with this command in your terminal
composer create-project --prefer-dist
laravel/laravel project_name 
If you have set-up PHP as locally and want to use PHP's built-in development server in order to serve to your application, you are fully free to use the serve Artisan command. And later, this command will present a development server on http://localhost:8000
php artisan serve 

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